Local Support Groups

MeadowWood Behavioral Health offers multiple levels of care from inpatient to partial hospitalization programming for adolescents, adults, and seniors. We are the trusted provider of mental health and substance abuse treatment in the New Castle, Delaware, area.

12-Step Programming in Delaware

12-Step programming is known throughout the world by people within and outside of the recovery community. The Steps themselves are based on simple ideals, and are rooted in the strength of community. Going from actively drinking or using drugs to recovery has its challenges, which is why engaging in 12-Step meetings like Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) and Narcotics Anonymous (NA) can help you maintain your sobriety and get the right kind of support.

Local Resources

When you finish professional treatment, you will be given an aftercare plan that will help you continue to sustain your recovery. Part of this plan can include participation in 12-Step meetings, as well as other support groups that are offered within your community.

Through 12-Step meetings and other support groups, you can connect with others and share your personal insights, all while listening to those of others. This can help you establish healthy self-esteem and develop solid coping skills so that you can continue to recover.

Those living in Delaware have many different options available to them in terms of 12-Step meetings and support groups. Both 12-Step meetings and other support groups might be specific to a gender, age range, or condition, however there are enough meetings available that you should never have a hard time finding one that meets your needs.

In addition to 12-Step meetings for addiction, there are countless resources for individuals of all ages who have experienced depression, anxiety, suicide attempts, or other distressing situations in Delaware. These groups can be beneficial for all involved, as everyone who participates can share their experiences and start to heal.

To learn more about 12-Step programming and other support groups in Delaware, please visit the following links:

For Loved Ones

When a parent, spouse, sibling, child, or friend is struggling with drug and/or alcohol addiction, you can feel completely overwhelmed and exhausted. Thankfully, you have a number of options for support within your community.

You can obtain community support through 12-Step meetings and other support groups within your area. By attending support groups and meetings such as those offered through Alateen and Al-anon, you can uncover new ways to cope and heal. Participating in programming such as this can help you better care for your mental and physical wellbeing.

Making the Most of Meetings

Once you have decided on the right 12-Step meetings or support groups for you, it can be helpful to participate in them fully for the greatest benefit. Those living in Delaware have benefitted from these programming options, and so can you. Then when you are secure in your own recovery, you can offer the same support to others.

What Past Clients Say

The hospital staff saved my brother’s life. Everyone was attentive, professional, and available at any time to help me through the process of putting my brother's life back together.

Most Insurances Accepted

We accept all major insurances, including Blue Cross Blue Shield, Medicare, most Medicaids, and TRICARE.  Please contact us for insurance verification and to learn more about treatment at MeadowWood Behavioral Health.

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